Thornhill Raccoon and Squirrel Removal

Wildlife control, Thornhill Animal Control Services

Thornhill Wildlife Control

Reasonable Pricing & Guaranteed Work

Thornhill homeowners can contact our customer service 7 days a week at ☎️ (416)-560-8972 for wildlife removal from the attic.

Raccoon Removal Thornhill – AAA Affordable Wildlife Control has extensive expertise in humane raccoon removal. We are trained, licensed, and insured to provide animal control services that meet all legal and humane regulations in Thornhill, Ontario. We will remove the raccoons from your home using special doors, and then erect protective barriers to ensure that they don’t return. We will also consult with you on how to make your home and yard less attractive to raccoons. We believe that preventing conflict between animals and humans is preferable to try to eliminate animals from our shared environments.

Wildlife Control

Squirrel Removal Near John St – Thornhill is home to several species of squirrels including the North American Grey Squirrel, the Red Squirrel, and the Southern Flying Squirrel.

While most squirrels prefer to live in trees and logs, they may try to enter attics, walls, and crawlspaces in search of a safe and warm place to nest. Once they have moved in, squirrels can damage your home by chewing, building nests that are fire hazards, and leaving animal waste. At the very least, the constant sound of animals scurrying in a home is usually reason enough to call in the wildlife removal experts.

How Much Does Wildlife Control, Raccoon, Squirrel & Skunk Removal Cost in Thornhill 

Why Do Raccoons and Squirrels Come Inside Your Home

Squirrels are diurnal animals that are active in daylight and sleep when it’s dark. In the wild, they live in tree branches, hollow logs, and sometimes in burrows in the ground.

Squirrels build complex nests of twigs, leaves, and scrap material that may be visible high in trees. While mostly subsisting on a diet of nuts, seeds, acorns, leaves, fruit, and small insects, squirrels are not averse to nibbling on flower bulbs or raiding the birdfeeder. Squirrels are particularly fond of birdseed and will monopolize a birdfeeder when they find one.

Once squirrels find an ample source of food, they start looking for a place to build a nest and have babies. Squirrels mate twice a year, in winter, and again in spring. Squirrels may exhibit increased interest in coming inside a home during their gestation period as they look for a warm, sheltered space to raise a litter.

Squirrels bear four to six pups per litter, twice a year. Baby squirrels are completely dependent on their mothers for the first weeks of their life and are weaned between six and twelve weeks of age. This means that if the mother finds a safe place to nest, you could have an active squirrel nursery in your attic in no time.

Risks Posed by Squirrels & Raccoons in Attics

Raccoons and Squirrels enter homes through holes in roofs, ceilings, eaves, and through open or damaged vents. They will often find a small hole and enlarge it for safer entry and exit, making existing damage much worse. Nuisance animals may also come in through chimneys, where they risk either getting stuck, burned, or falling into the fireplace.

Squirrels pose serious risks for homeowners. Squirrels have four long front teeth that grow continuously. They must constantly gnaw on wood or other surfaces to keep the teeth ground down to a reasonable length. Inside a home, they can damage wood, ductwork, sheetrock, and even electrical wiring. Gnawed wiring may result in shorts, outages and possibly an electrical fire. Squirrel nests are highly flammable if exposed to the spark from a damaged electrical wire.

Squirrels also pose sanitation and health risks. During the months they are nesting with their young, they urinate and defecate around the nesting area. They may harbour ticks that transmit Lyme disease or leave organisms that cause leptospirosis and salmonella in their droppings. Odours generated by nesting squirrels may attract other squirrels, signalling that your home is a safe haven. Clearly, squirrels belong out in nature, and not in your home.

Five Steps Experts Use For  Controlling Raccoons & Squirrels in Your Attic

Affordable Wildlife Control uses a five-step process for removing the animals and making sure that they don’t come back:

. Identify the type of animal and where it is getting in.
. Eliminate easy access to food and water.
. Remove the animals using “one-way doors”.
. Seal off the home to prevent reentry.
. Monitor the results and respond quickly if they try to return.

How Much Does Squirrel, Raccoon Removal in Brampton Cost

Wildlife Contol Brampton

Brampton Wildlife Services. Get the help you need for raccoon removal and squirrel removal in Brampton—affordable squirrel prevention methods.

Wildlife Removal Mississauga, Squirrel Removal Mississauga, Raccoon Removal Mississauga

Wildlife Removal Mississauga

Contact our customer service number for affordable squirrel removal in Mississauga.

Each of these 5 Wildlife Removal Steps Is Explained Below.

  • Identify the type of animal and point of entry.
    When animals become a nuisance in a home, it is critical to first identify what type of animal is involved. The removal strategy must fit the species’ behaviour and breeding patterns. It is also critical to determine if babies are present so they don’t get left behind. Squirrel mothers experience great distress when separated from their babies. Baby squirrels can die easily from cold and hunger if left alone, creating terrible odours in the house. Affordable Wildlife Control will design the most humane removal strategy possible to preserve the life of the mother and babies.

  • Eliminate Easy Access To Food And Water
    Removing access to food, water and shelter is essential to getting nuisance animals under control. Once these attractors are gone, the squirrel has little reason to stick around. Your Affordable Wildlife Control technician will survey your home and yard to identify measures you can take to make your home less attractive to squirrels. These measures might include: Removing bird feeders or getting squirrel-proof bird feeders; Replacing birdseed in feeders with safflower seeds which are unappetizing to squirrels; Keeping fruit and nuts from trees and gardens picked up; and Keeping pet bowls and food inside the house.

  • Remove The Pest Animals From Home.
    Affordable Wildlife Control has deep expertise in squirrel and raccoon removal in Brampton & Thornhill. One-way doors can be installed that allow the animal to leave but not get back in. Babies must first be removed, and all entrances sealed. The second option is to trap the mother for home removal and then relocate the mother and nest elsewhere. A third option is to remove the babies and place them outside the home in a secure box or cage to lure the mother out. Then the access point can be sealed. Your animal control technician will select the best strategy for the homeowner and the animals.

  •  Seal Off Entry Points To Prevent Reentry
    Once the squirrels have been successfully evicted, our wildlife control technicians will seal entry points using bite-proof barriers over vents, soffits, chimneys, dryer vents, and other openings.

  • Monitor And Reassess As Needed.
    Once the squirrels have been successfully evicted, our wildlife control technicians will seal entry points using After removal, squirrels and raccoons may return to their old nest, or other wildlife may try to move in. If you notice new animal activity after removal, contact Affordable Wildlife Control immediately. The rapid response will help the pests learn that your home is no longer a safe place to nest.-proof barriers over vents, soffits, chimneys, dryer vents, and other openings.

Your Affordable Wildlife Removal From Thornhill Homes Summary

AAA Affordable Wildlife Control is experienced, licensed and insured for humane wildlife removal in your area. We can remove pests, squirrels, and raccoons using nonlethal methods and create barriers so they don’t come back. We will also advise homeowners on ways to reduce the attractiveness of their homes and yards to local wildlife. We believe that preventing conflicts between humans and wildlife is preferable to try to eliminate wild animals from our shared habitats.

Animal Control, Wildlife Control
Animal Control, Wildlife Control
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Wildlife Removal Near Steeles and Bayview
Product Name
Thornhill Squirrel Removal - Thornhill Raccoon Removal Basic
CAD 300
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