Raccoon Removal Cost VS Squirrel Removal Cost

Raccoon Removal Cost, Squirrel Removal Cost, Pricing for the removal off Animals in the Greater Toronto Area
Raccoon Removal Cost, Squirrel Removal Cost, Pricing for the removal off Animals in the Greater Toronto Area

How Much Does Wildlife Control Cost In the Greater Toronto Area

A full roof inspection and removing animals using a one-way door on one wildlife entry hole are usually included in the $350 —$450 cost of basic squirrel removal, raccoon removal, or pest control.

To remove squirrels and raccoons from attic spaces, a specialized one-way door must be installed over the entry hole. Once the wild raccoon or squirrel exits the attic (through the one-way door) for food and water, it won’t be able to return to that area.

Various methods can be employed to get rid of squirrels, such as using natural repellents, professional trapping services, and installing chew/bite-proof animal prevention screening. These methods help prevent damage to homes and gardens caused by squirrels.

Why spend weeks, months or even years trying to evict nuisance raccoons and squirrels from your property using the DIY approach? Simply employ the expertise of an affordable wildlife removal company to get lasting results that don’t cost the most.

  • Call and get all the right information from our lovely and always friendly customer service agent.
  • Get the results you desire in a matter of days. Live squirrel and raccoon-free by installing chew/bite-proof animal prevention screening!
  • Get affordable pricing for humane wildlife control in the Greater Toronto Area.
  • Learn how much raccoon & squirrel removal + attic prevention costs in Toronto & Brampton.
  • Get reasonable rates to do a “full wildlife prevention” job.
  • Get the average cost of raccoon & skunk removal from under a deck or shed.
  • Discover any free raccoon removal services anywhere in the Greater Toronto Area.

3 Reasons Why Raccoon Removal & Squirrel Removal Is Not Cheap: How To Keep Costs Low

Have you ever tried the DIY approach to save cash and discovered you don’t know what you’re doing with a wild animal causing nuisance wildlife problems? Of course, we all have to some extent. The trick is not to invest too much time, effort, and money into the task before realizing you are completely out of your depth. Below are a few good reasons why you should talk your spouse or loved one out of this particular project. You can keep costs low by taking the right approach from day one of hiring a wildlife removal company.

  1. Wildlife Control Is Skilled Labour – Working at heights is just part of most wildlife removal jobs, which is reason enough to pay to have raccoon and squirrel holes in the roof fixed by a wildlife control company. Accessing baby raccoons and squirrels inside the nest in tight quarters such as an attic or crawl space can be challenging. Wildlife control companies will know what to expect when inside the attic with a mother raccoon and her babies, so this task is definitely best left to the professionals.
  2. Sponsored Ad Fees: Are you paying too much for wildlife control? – Franchise Fees & Lead Generation Fees are where the costs spike. Guarantee you didn’t think this would be part of your bill to eliminate squirrels and raccoons, but it could be. Advertising fees? Yes, normal advertising fees are expected to be factored into a service from a local company in your area on Google Maps. You want to ensure that the company name and website you clicked on is the same company that gives you an invoice. If not, you’re likely to be paying Lead Gen Fees. Top of the page “Ads” with company names with no local presence or links to leave reviews on Google Maps is certainly a Lead Generation Business that will sell your appointment to an actual wildlife control company for a 35% fee of whatever you spend, costing you much more than what you really needed to pay to get guaranteed results with a local family run wildlife removal company.
  3. Money Up Front Investment—Protecting a home’s usual target areas provides a long-term solution to any wildlife control problem. It will cost more upfront but can save a lot by protecting the roof exterior and attic insulation from damage and soiled areas if the animals return inside multiple times.

Bonus Reasons Why You Might Pay Too Much For Wildlife Removal

  • High-Pressure Upsales And Scare Tactics – There is nothing wrong with the service provided by most of Toronto’s bigger wildlife removal companies. Bigger wildlife control companies simply tend to charge customers the highest industry prices. It’s no secret that the wildlife control industry has a busy baby season and a slower winter season. The staff at some wildlife control companies are sometimes under pressure to “SELL, SELL, SELL” extra, not always necessary, screens & sprays at every single house to keep a high daily sales average that will carry them through the slower winter months.

(Q) What other costs may be incurred in the squirrel and raccoon removal process?

Prevention screening added to target areas on the house is optional but highly recommended as a long-term solution to raccoon-proofing any home. An average house usually has about $200 to $500 of extra optional prevention screening that could be added. A bigger house may have more vulnerable areas that need protection.

Although it is easy to stop raccoons from entering your home, evicting them from your roof, wall, or porch is not easy. There are provincial laws that guard wildlife such as raccoons, squirrels, and skunks from harm.

Using a cage trap is an effective and humane method for removing squirrels. These traps are made of wire mesh and come in various sizes to ensure proper and humane trapping.

Squirrel Removal Scarborough

Therefore, we recommend hiring a professional wildlife removal service technician who follows all regulations to permanently remove the raccoons. Laws prohibit you from killing raccoons and other wildlife or taking them more than a kilometre away from where they are trapped.

The All Or Nothing Approach – Why Some Wildlife Companies Give Such High Estimates

If you’re getting a free on-site estimate from a wildlife control company offering a multiple-point or “50-point inspection,” you will likely end up with a super high quote—high, meaning as high as you would get from any wildlife removal company in the Greater Toronto Area.

It’s easier for a company to book a customer when they offer a free on-site estimate. Once on-site, you will get a couple of options; the first option is to just do the “basic job” of usually one entry hole. This price can be nearly double compared to other family-owned wildlife control companies near you. So, roughly $700 is needed to do the minimum job based on feedback from our GTA customers who had these free inspections. The second option is “full prevention,” which gets you wire screening on all the usual potential animal entry areas like vents, soffit intersections, and problem rooflines, usually done for the highest industry prices.

Either option you go for is a win for the wildlife removal company because even their lowest charge for one entry hole is typically much higher than wildlife removal companies charging a small inspection fee.

Going with the extra recommended screening is great for preventing squirrels and raccoons from returning to the inside of an attic. Are you getting a reasonable price or paying for free inspections for other people who didn’t use the service for other wild animals?

Don’t expect a free on-site inspection from a wildlife removal company if you live in a townhouse or semi-detached house. Raccoons and squirrels can easily bypass firewalls using the soffits, so the entry hole could be on the neighbouring roof, but the nest, noise, and babies are in a different attic. Neighbours need to be involved for the eviction process to work, so even the free inspection companies charge per unit to inspect in these cases.

Raccoon Removal Toronto Cost – Raccoons in Brampton and Their Removal Cost

As raccoons in Brampton & Toronto have adapted to the presence of humans in their environment, they have become increasingly willing to move into attics without fear.

Their populations have grown over the years as they enjoy a life filled with easily accessible food and plenty of space to roam. Although it can be entertaining to watch a family of raccoons frolicking in the yard, it can be downright upsetting when they live inside your attic or continually upset your garbage cans, costing you money.

When Do Raccoons Have Babies, and Will It Cost More When Hiring a Wildlife Control Company?

In Toronto, raccoons breed from January to May. Therefore, these are the months when this animal is actively looking for a way to break into your attic. Female raccoons prefer to live in a warm, quiet space to raise their young without fear of predators.

Raccoons want to protect their young and will rip open the soffit on the roof to gain entry. If the attic is inaccessible to the females, they will look for an area beneath a porch, deck, or shed. Raccoons have also been known to crawl into uncapped chimneys for a nesting area.

Litters generally average three to five babies, known as kits. Some litters are as large as seven young. The gestation period is approximately two months. This means that all kits are born between the months of March and June. Generally, the young will live with the mother until the next spring, when they strike out independently, making room for a new litter.

10 Wildlife Control & Wildlife Removal Company Tips. Better Wildlife Removal Companies Give Customers Options

Knowing how much raccoon removal in Toronto will cost you is the first step to living pest-free. Knowing the average cost of prevention will help you make the right decision when you get an estimate. Whatever the cost, raccoon removal is well worth the money, don’t delay or the amount you pay could rise greatly.

Waiting for the sound of crying baby raccoons to stop or go away is not the answer; doing so will only cost more time, money, and aggravation.

We Service The Greater Toronto Area! Hire our raccoon removal and squirrel removal Markham service today.

The Real Cost of Ignoring a Squirrel Problem  

Squirrels are small creatures with bushy tails that run around climbing trees and gathering nuts, but they do a lot more than that. Squirrels are actually more important to the environment than you may realize. For example, they dig holes and bury many of the seeds and nuts they collect so they can dig them up later.

Wildlife Control Brampton, Animal Control Brampton
Wildlife Control Brampton, Animal Control Brampton

However, they don’t dig all of them up, and many left in the ground will sprout and grow into new plants and trees. As a result, squirrels play a major role in the ecosystem. They also eat beetles, grubs, and other insects, so they help control the insect population.

These cute little creatures have a purpose in nature, as do all animals, and they seem harmless enough, so most people don’t think too much about them. That is until they move into your home and destroy your property. When this happens, you’ll need squirrel removal to help get them under control and prevent a squirrel infestation. It’s important to consider humane squirrel removal to address squirrel problems ethically and ensure the safety of the animals.

Most people don’t realize the true damage a squirrel or family of squirrels can do until they’ve had to live with them. Hiring a local Toronto squirrel removal company is the easiest way to eliminate the nuisance problem.

How Squirrels Become a Problem for Homeowners

When squirrels move into your home, they can be annoying and destructive. These small creatures can be very noisy, especially when entering your attic and walls. You can hear them scratching and crawling around as they build homes and find hiding places for their food. They can get really noisy in the early morning and even keep you awake at night.

Squirrels can be very annoying, but more importantly, they can cause a lot of damage to your home. They chew holes in your roof, vents, and walls, along with anywhere else they decide they would like an entry point into their new home, whether they are tree squirrels or ground squirrels.

They urinate and leave droppings in crawlspaces and other areas of your home, which will begin to smell. Over time, this can have a negative effect on your health. The smell also attracts other squirrels, encouraging them to move in.

A family of squirrels living in your home can also become a fire hazard. They don’t know that the wires running through your house’s walls and other areas are dangerous when chewed on.

When they chew through these wires, it can cause a spark, resulting in a house fire. But the squirrel is just trying to sharpen his teeth, as he would in the wild. For these reasons, if they move into your home, you need professional squirrel removal to remove them as soon as possible.

Do You Have a Squirrel Problem But Don’t Want To Pay Too Much?

Squirrels are not very picky. They will build homes in trees or anywhere else they find that provides shelter, whether they are tree squirrels or ground squirrels. When they find a place where they feel safe, they’ll never leave of their own free will.

When that place is under or inside your home and buildings, you have a squirrel problem. If you see holes, scratch marks, and similar damage on the exterior of your home or holes in the ground leading under your house, these indicate that a family of squirrels may have moved in. They are also very common in attics, which provide a nice environment for them until you hear them running or scratching above you. To prevent further damage to your home, it is crucial to get rid of squirrels as soon as possible.

If you see squirrels running in and out of your home, garage, or shed or hear strange noises in your attic or walls, you have a problem. Once they access your house, they’ll dig and chew until they have multiple entry points leading to their nests, where they store food, have babies, and create quite a nuisance. If you notice any of these signs, you have a squirrel problem, and it’s time to consider squirrel removal. The longer you wait, the bigger the problem will become.

Squirrel Removal – Non-Lethal Methods Are The Most Cost-Effective Approach

Squirrels are part of the rodent family and can damage your home, so you don’t want them living inside your personal space. On the other hand, since these animals do play an important role in nature, you don’t want to do anything to harm them when removing them from your property.

This is why non-lethal wildlife control methods are used to remove these animals. One effective and ethical method is using a cage trap, which is made of wire mesh and comes in various sizes to ensure humane trapping. It’s also why it’s best to have a professional squirrel control company remove them from your property instead of trying to do it yourself. Hiring a professional is also safer because these creatures bite and scratch when threatened. If you’re not trained to handle them properly, they can cause you physical harm.

The two main methods of squirrel removal are one-way doors and traps. The professional service will evaluate your situation to determine which method to use. Once they’re certain there are no more squirrels in your home, it’s time to take preventative measures to keep them from coming back.

How to Prevent Squirrels from Becoming an Expensive Problem

Squirrel removal can help you eliminate these destructive little creatures, but removing squirrels and taking steps to prevent them from becoming a problem before they move in will save you time and aggravation later. If they have already moved in, you can begin taking these steps to keep them from returning once they are removed.

Start by eliminating access to food that will draw them to your home. The food in your trash, bird feeders, and even your pet’s food is an invitation for squirrels to move in. So keep the lids tight on your garbage cans, place bird feeders away from the house and keep the pet food where these animals cannot get to it.

The next step is to use screens to block vents and chimneys to prevent the squirrels from accessing your home. You can also replace any rotting wood or shingles and repair any holes to help deter these animals and keep them out of your house. Just ensure that there is not already a family of squirrels living in your home before you block everything off.

Watching squirrels run around and play in the trees is a great way to relax at home, but you don’t want them taking over and causing damage to your house. They are very persistent and stubborn animals.

Once they move in, it can be difficult to get rid of them. It’s not a task you want to tackle alone, and you don’t have to. Squirrel removal is available to help keep these pesky creatures out of your home in a safe and humane way. Always call a professional as soon as you realize you have a problem with squirrels moving into your home or business.

Wildlife Control, Wildlife Removal, Wildlife Control Brampton, Wildlife Removal Brampton
Wildlife Removal, Wildlife Control Brampton

Case Studies

Case Study: Affordable Wildlife Control Resolves Squirrel and Raccoon Removal Costs for a Homeowner in Toronto

Problem: A homeowner in Toronto was facing a serious wildlife problem as squirrels and raccoons had gained access to their attic. During the cold weather, the presence of these pests became a common sight in the neighbourhood, as they sought warmth and food sources inside their homes. The homeowner was particularly concerned about the damage being caused to the electrical wires and the potential health risks posed by these animals, including the threat of attracting other rodents and pests. The homeowner needed a solution that would not only remove the animals but also prevent future invasions while being mindful of the overall removal costs.

Solution: The homeowner contacted Affordable Wildlife Control, a team of experienced wildlife professionals, to address the issue. The team began with thoroughly inspecting the property, identifying all potential entry points where the squirrels and raccoons could access the attic. They also conducted a home inspection to assess the extent of the damage and the specific areas that needed attention.

The inspection revealed that the animals had been attracted by accessible food sources and had used their strong front teeth to chew through parts of the roof and vents to enter the home. The wildlife professionals provided a detailed plan to remove the squirrels and raccoons safely and humanely, including sealing the entry points and installing barriers to prevent future access. They also recommended additional measures, such as trimming back tree branches that were too close to the house, which could provide easy access for these animals.

Outcome: The wildlife removal services were carried out efficiently, and the pests were safely removed from the attic. Affordable Wildlife Control’s strategy included the immediate removal of the animals and long-term solutions to prevent further wildlife problems. The homeowner received a comprehensive report of the inspection findings and the steps taken to secure the home.

In the end, the homeowner was pleased with the service and found the costs for squirrel and raccoon removal reasonable, especially considering the thorough approach and lasting results. The control measures implemented by the wildlife professionals ensured the home was protected against future invasions, giving the homeowner peace of mind during cold weather. The case highlighted the importance of professional wildlife control services in managing and preventing common urban wildlife issues in Toronto.

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